Saturday, November 25, 2023


Behind the restaurant.

Down the alley.

Through the pink doors.

Is Marianne's

Tucked behind The Cavalier you'll find a recently (as of this post) member's only bar now opened to the public.

At some point during this blogging exercise, I hope to develop actual photography skills

Friday, March 15, 2019

Annnnnnnnnnnnddddddd...we're off!

Over the years, I've had several people tell me that I should write about some of the places I've visited or establishments I've patronize...well folks, this is that attempt!

Really, this idea began some time in 2006 while living in NYC.

I was asked to send an email to a friend's friend because they were about to visit NYC for the first time and had no idea where to go. I recall considering sending out a simple "names and locations" list, but then realized I had no idea what this person truly enjoyed. That while I might love <insert bar or restaurant here>, they may have completely different tastes.

So I took to the internet and began a Google Doc about my time in NYC and the places I found and fell in love with. Not simply distilling down to a list of addresses and what each place offered, but instead creating a detailed description of what I thought was so unique about each place and why I thought it deserved patronizing.

To this day, I still send people a link to that doc and it's been 8 years (as of this writing) since I've stepped foot in to Brooklyn or Manhattan.

As I moved around, I started one for Austin due to friends and acquaintances heading out there for work and pleasure, and now that I've been in the Bay Area for nearly 7 years, I think it's time to move past emailing Google Doc links and take the Blogging Plunge!

While I don't believe my life is all that exciting (enough to blog about that is), I am beginning to see the value in having a more personal space to write about these little adventures of mine. A centralized point where I can share them with my Family, friends, friends of friend's, or just anyone who may visit some of the places and areas I've traveled to.

That and it just seems like a fun hobby. =)

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The 'plan' re: posting will be:
 - Segment everything by City/Area, rather than date
 - Deets! -- Name, location, phone, website -- so you can visit sometime
 - My own take on the spot
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Feedback is appreciated and I look forward to developing some thicker skin given how <ahem> honest the internets can be.



p.s. If anyone's blogged like this before, please, by all means, suggestions, suggestions, suggestions!